Sex Life Of People Of Different Countries
Sex or sexuality is the oldest, and
universal, thing in the world.
But even though the most universal, in this country,
different cultures have developed in different cultures - which is normal for
some, but strange in the eyes of others.
The BBC has made the effort to stay away from sex for the
rest of its life, or to stumble across numerous varieties of apples - such as
strolling with apples in the armpit-.
Read below are just a few of them.
The aborigines of Hawaii have their genitals different names
Traditionally, tribes of the Hawaiian Islands of the
United States worship their secret organs and give them a different name.
But they did not stop there.
From the king of the indigenous people to the common
people, many lived in 'male mai', a mantra of their own - written in several
poetic languages.
These mantras were described in very open poetic language
in their secret organs.
An expert on Hawaiian sexual behavior. Milton Diamond.
He described to the BBC the mantra of their queen Lily
In this mantra called 'excited', queen describes her
genital mutilation.